Support This Work
Many of you have been watching this work for many years. Some for a decade, some for two. More of you for less. It has been a consistent feature in the lives of many. As such many know the stated mission, but what you may not know is that there is no funding for the work. Soul Biographies is effectively a public service without funding. It’s always been freely available. I make what I can when I can, with what I have. With all that I have. A labor of love. It’s mostly always been this way. I am sometimes slowed down in regards to what could be.
Mission “I set out to capture the Soul of the Human Race on film, so that we might see ourselves reflected in each other. So that we might come to remember that we belong to each other, and act accordingly.”
I’ve often wondered what might happen if I were to ask viewers for their support and mean it, something I recognize that I’ve not been good at. What might occur if I had the resource to continue this quiet revolution in human attention unencumbered?
… the completion of Soul Biographies filmed but not yet edited - I have many extraordinarily courageous subjects that I’d love for you to witness. The filming of Souls that would electrify the world - think the seeking out profoundly selfless icons. The significant distillation of ideas beyond simply ideas that might cause us to reconsider our focus in this world - think words taken from the sky in dictation then recorded so that they might find their way deep into your bones. The touring around living rooms and communities that under usual circumstance I may not reach - think your living rooms and your communities. The construction of a traveling film exhibit - think Ashes & Snow but made of distilled deeply human moments from the Soul Biographies Collection defining a common and profound possibility for Us and between us. And so much more …
And as ever, the freely available inclusion of us all in something that makes itself clear with each film, each passage of words, each gathering and each new project. A common conscious imagining in an age that requires it. And a gathering of the selfless dreams that this world no doubt could use.
Anyhow, it seemed like time I should ask. So, consider yourself asked.
You can support this work with a voluntary subscription here on substack ($8). It would be greatly appreciated, and well used. It will make an impact.
If an $8 subscription is too much or too little, or you’d like to make it a one-off then you can support this work via the Soul Biographies site here. You could even send me suggestions for grants and larger scale patrons that I might approach. All hands to deck. Viva La Quiet Revolution. Or perhaps it’s Viva La Quiet Re-evolution … a significant move towards the recognizing of our natural state, underneath the underneath. Which is where I’ve always been pointing.
With the help of viewers (of which you are one), I will grow the Soul Biographies Collection and help it find places in which its characters will matter. Love at scale.
Mission (continued) “Along this journey to the deep human interior I’ve come to understand the profound nature of the revolutionary act of unconditional attention and how it holds the key to us becoming reconnected to ourselves and as importantly, to our common humanity. My mission is to share this far and wide. As a profound practical experience in amongst people, and as an experience on film that will last for generations.”
I would be most grateful for your support and fellowship in this work.
And Happy New Year.