Experiences and Events

A calendar of Inner View Experiences, Events and Programs with Nic

This page receives updates.

Inner View on Zoom for those following Substack : Sunday 3 November 11-11.30am US Central, 30 Minute experience with Nic (though we sometimes run to 45 minutes). No charge. Register here

Inner View Journey : 4-Days In-Person 26-29 September UK (on waiting list)

Inner View Method (Learn Witnessing) : 3-Days In-Person 23-25 September UK (on waiting list)

Inner View Method new dates : Virtual February, UK In-Person March, USA April 2025

See this page

Inner Frontier Leadership Immersion In-Person : 4-Days In-Person 17-20 October DC, USA (1 place remains)

Inner Frontier Zoom Leadership Virtual Experience : 10 September (full) + 8 October (2 places remain), no charge but must be leading something

In the meantime, you could read about consequence of the experience of IV