You're getting at something that can't be explained in words. It can only be witnessed. I should hope that everyone takes the opportunity to try and understand what this is.
Could be but probably isn't! Vast difference between what one requires and what one is willing to do. Nothing-ness renders one aware. And that means life directs you, not you life. There is little certainty or control. Which is where the seeming risk lies. I think ...
You're getting at something that can't be explained in words. It can only be witnessed. I should hope that everyone takes the opportunity to try and understand what this is.
Yes, if you can say it that isn't it. Which is why I spend much time with the camera, people and no words.
Nic, your exquisite presence in Nothingness opens the door of healing for so many. In deep appreciation, ~Michael
I remember Asbury Park like it was now. We really must regather somewhere with that camera.
It’s probably everyone’s work, particularly now
Could be but probably isn't! Vast difference between what one requires and what one is willing to do. Nothing-ness renders one aware. And that means life directs you, not you life. There is little certainty or control. Which is where the seeming risk lies. I think ...