“ I discovered an entire world that I never knew existed. By sitting in that Inner View stillness without agenda, words poured out. The heavy glass ball that ‘weighted my heart’ shattered. I was freed. I was witnessed and miraculously accepted. I saw in awe and honor as others opened their walls. Now my days begin through a silent stillness. ” Sharon Gilmore. Hospice Nurse
The Experience of Nothing(ness)
These words arrived. Sharon’s words. Such words often arrive. I have many such first-hand descriptions of the experience of Inner View. Of the indescribable nothing-ness that is IV. And I often wonder if I admit to any part in them. I find myself saying ‘it’s nothing’. In part I mean it, in part I’m playing tricks with language and in part I’m deflecting. What I sometimes feel drawn to, is shouting from the rooftops ‘let me show you’. Of course I could never. Shout that is. The experience doesn’t suit such volume. And shouting is not in my nature, certainly not from a rooftop.
But I’m clear that this can only be experienced, not explained then understood.
And, this I know.
For two decades I’ve sat utterly still with thousands of people, traveling the profound depths of the human interior with the film camera. I became aware of a state of nothing-ness. A conscious hinge point from which everything might change. The way we see. The way we speak. The way we create. The way we know. The way we are. An opposite to most everything we’d assumed. An experience of unfathomable depth that lies beyond the adequate description of words. Like a description of swimming might be for a person who’s never been immersed in water.
An experience of unfathomable depth that lies beyond the adequate description of words. Like a description of swimming might be for a person who’s never been immersed in water.
This experience starts with nothing. No-thing. No act. Not even meditation. Not even being. Let me show you. That’s what I really want to say. Using the film camera, projection, consciousness and ourselves. Let me show you the profound consequence of this experience of nothing-ness.
Casting an eye back over the prior decades, it’s pretty clear that this has been the work all along. My work that is. I hope at some stage down the road, you will let me show you. I’ll be building as many ways as I know how, to have other’s experience this and not get stuck in its intellectualization. Which had always been a concern - no, no it’s far simpler than any of that I would find myself saying to many a philosopher. And that always had a consequence.
Actually Experience Nothing(ness) in England in March
I know this is not the usual amount of prior planning that this world expects, but I’m in England come March and I’ve rented an extraordinary venue (for the Inner View Method Cohort) and have just extended the rental. And so this is my invitation to you. Come and experience this nothing-ness and all that may then come. Over 1, 2 or 3 days. Early on in March. I hope you can make it. I’ve attempted to make it flexible, and accessible. Perhaps a first in-person experiment in the accessibility of this direct experience.
I’ve included a one minute audio film on the details page. But I haven’t included a list of benefits, as one could never know what may come. That’s the point. That’s the way. Life is to find you, not you it. As such it’s a risk, such is the nature of awareness.
ps - next up will be Minneapolis, USA. Do send me a note if you can geographically make it, and I’ll let you know where and when. Then I’m thinking of New York’ish and beyond.
Less Is More but Nothing Is Better
I was in a conversation with my friend Allard recently who writes poetically on matters of nothing. Mainly on LinkedIn but more recently here on substack. During our exploration of nothing in particular, he said less is more to which I replied but nothing is better. He was convinced we had a bumper sticker.
important note: my observation is that nothing is an extraordinary start point - start with nothing. As it’s from here that one becomes aware from an entirely different origin point. An origin point beyond all ideas of the mind. It’s not nothing forever. From nothing comes something, and that something may change everything. Perhaps these are the bones of another bumper sticker.
You're getting at something that can't be explained in words. It can only be witnessed. I should hope that everyone takes the opportunity to try and understand what this is.
Nic, your exquisite presence in Nothingness opens the door of healing for so many. In deep appreciation, ~Michael