Aug 18Liked by Nic Askew

Wise words were spoken to me last week as I asked, "how do I accept destructive behaviors in those I love". I share these wise words now as I purposefully, and as best I can, live the light of "I Am That", which we all are. The wisdom teacher said, "You go on and live your joyful, beautiful life. It naturally will effect and rub off on those you love. And if it doesn't?... You still have your joyful, beautiful life."

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Aug 23Liked by Nic Askew

Ahh! Thank You! That pulls it all together for me!

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Aug 22Liked by Nic Askew

Let me just say that this is not the first of your beautiful poems that I have needed to print and hang on my wall for further and ongoing reference. Thank you for sharing yourSelf so openly, Nic.

(And no, that is not a typo... I write mySelf often and, in this case, it's yourSelf.)

Blessings, Lily

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Those words are a reflection of my own childhood. Perhaps my entire life!

As you know, my husband passed away in 2005 and as a natural 'associative thinker', I read your message today and was immediately reminded of one of his favorite bands, 'Collective Soul' Songs like 'Maybe', 'Shine', and 'The World I Know' came to mind.

In The World I know it says,

'So, I walk up on high

And I step to the edge

To see my world below

And I laugh at myself

While the tears roll down

Cause it's the world I know

Oh. It's the world I know'

Sometimes in life, the world around us can seem so dark that we only have our own internal light to guide the way for a while. And as you shared in your own words,

'But as he waited for this outer world

to catch the light,

he realized that it might not.

And so he stepped out into the world,

hand in hand with his imagination.

Knowing that together they would

bring light to the darkest of corners.'

The challenge remains to bring that internal imagination out into the world and connecting with those that can share in the act of bringing light to the darkest corners.

I recently encountered an image of a fire within a lake and a message that said to not allow the water to put out that fire. I'm still pondering the message...

Thank you for sharing your light and imagination with the world.

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Yes, therein lies the challenge. I remember wondering for years and in a still moment it came to me. It being the camera thing. Which ended up simply a way to share what I see.

That said I really like Jenny May’s comment which points to the fact that the answer to all of this is probably in the way one does everything rather than ‘a thing’

I remember following Simon Sinek’s Start With Why talk on a stage once many years ago, and immediately speaking about an idea I had that why might be as valuable as ‘a state of being’ as a ‘question to answer’.

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You answered the one of the 'why's' in today's post.

So that the soul may be lived in plain view.

To do anything less than that is to quench the spirit, so to speak. It is also a massive energy drain. I might even dare say shorten the life span.

My why? To be able to live this life more fully, with integrity, with genuine purpose that isn't being stifled and muzzled for whatever reason.

The soul longs to be free. To live anything less than that is to not really live at all.

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I imagine ‘the soul lived out in plain view’ is close to something important. For if this is not the case, one might be left holding up the defense of one’s own ‘persona’ for an entire life. And its tremendous and shifting weight might exhaust one out of existence.

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Aug 18Liked by Nic Askew

at last!

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Thank you for this encouragement. Many of us are getting geared up by laying our foundations.

I have followed you for more than a dozen years. I so appreciate the work you do in the world. It has inspired me over and over again.

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Aug 19Liked by Nic Askew

Maybe allow the imagination to quieten, to still for a while, to rest and relax

The light inside us is defined by darkness

Within us all there is both light and dark

Dark can be truly and utterly sublime

‘The Mysterious Yin’

When we fully recognise and embody both light and dark, seeing each within the other, within ourselves and the outer world, then we find that which we call balance.

Glimpses of stillness within everything.

A pure and steady joy begins to emerge.

The depth we yearn for is the emptiness we can find there.

Deeper within that emptiness is the pure connection to all and everything and nothing.

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Yes. These words resonate with me very deeply. Thank you, dear one.

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Thank you.

Truth and Beauty.

Essential gifts of existence too much in the dark,

hidden under mountains of noise, distraction, fear, false delights.

If I show you my truth, essence, beauty,

will you show me yours?

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Most do (share) if the atmosphere is absent of the things you list.

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I got chills listening to this, Nic. So beautiful.

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Aug 18Liked by Nic Askew


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Aug 18Liked by Nic Askew

Spot on💟❣️

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