I’m glad for the crossing paths with you, dear Nic.

I ended up, quite simply, through the threads that weave kinship, coming to a small group intensive in 2016, or was it 2015, to cook for for your participants.

Andrew H said, ‘this woman would get it’ when you asked him about catering. He knew me from dancing, and he’d eaten my food.

There I was then, indeed getting it.

I was new to the filming, but not at all new to the terrain where the conditions are, well for lack of a better word, authentic relationship - being here like this - I knew where I was.

I knew about seeing and being seen. If I hadn’t found my way there a decade or few earlier I’d not be alive to tell the tail. What I didn’t know was the experience of seeing myself being seen. What I knew from the inside, your poetry via camera and recording gave me the gift of self-witnessing from the outside, the country of authentic so very familiar internally.

Kind of wild, considering I only came to feed the group and ended up with a Soul Biography.

Gratitude & love, always, caro 🙏

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I always saw the use of this mysterious Inner View camera as aiding the realization of our innate capacity for three profoundly important levels of seeing. #1 to see another #2 to be still enough to allow oneself to be seen, and #3 to see (become aware of) oneself.

#3 seems possible with the aid of a camera and utter stillness both in filming and watching back.

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I believe it was June 2016. And I absolutely remember it like it was now. Is now. I believe so might many of the others who were there. Something happened in those days.

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And I absolutely loved (love) your Soul Biography. :)

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I am glad. I am looking forward to playing on a vast cinema screen somewhere.

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