A story of an awakening told through a presence that you may cause you to feel it deep in your bones
This is the story of an awakening. A story told through a presence that you may cause you to feel it deep in your bones. As Jayanie approached the camera, we had a knowing. Between us. Beyond words. Beyond time. Though we had never met. Actually the story is more mysterious than this. I shall write it down one day. Jayanie speaks of a moment beyond sense. A moment of not searching in which all searching ended. An unintended moment through a garden window.
“… there is nowhere to be. And there is nowhere to get to.”
A new recording concerning the realization of what might have always been there, or perhaps here. 94 seconds.
Said Truth to a Denier
Said truth to a denier.
'You appear to spend
a great many of
your waking hours
wanting the world
to be different.
For you to be
For me to be
It must be exhausting.
As fighting so often is.'
How to See the Human Soul
My conclusion thus far of two decades of how to witness the interior world of another. In a 2½ hour Immersion Program on Zoom on 23rd March. Join me and others in a visceral and practical experience of this.
I felt much akin as she spoke... 🩷