Let Who You Are Be
Might each transformational step 'towards' actually have been a step further 'from'
An End to Saving
So many are consumed with acts of saving. But might there be a deeper part in each of us that has never needed saving? I imagine the work of Inner View is to catch sight of this part, so as to save a lot of unnecessary saving.
Ben (in the film), who helps me on the English Retreats, is soon to launch a project that sets out help those who have walked ‘the Camino’ bring that sacred experience into their everyday. It’s named Beyond Camino and is launching soon.
Let Who You Are Be
(incendiary words to some, perhaps)
What if the who you are that you’d been so sincerely seeking is not who you are?
What if that who was an unnecessary idea. A misguided point on a compass that should never have been for sale?
What if each transformational step towards, had actually been a step further from?
What if you’re exhausted, bone-deep tired from a fool’s errand that had seemed so noble at the outset?
What if who you are had always been?
Had never not been.
Underneath it all. Waiting patiently for a still and hallowed moment in which to let you know.
And what if in such a moment, you were simply to let who you are be?
(I will record this soon, I didn’t have time as I just wrote it down. The ink is still drying.)
A Few Notes
On Emailing You - I really like Substack but when I send out a post it feels more like posting to a social media platform. For many years I’d been used to an email platform which felt like I was emailing each and every one of you personally. I miss that. I’m considering a move back to that more personal way. Substack would remain a key venue for everything produced, as will the Soul Biographies site. It’s just that I could be more personal and creative with the Inner View missives. At the very least I’d feel better.
On Subscriptions - I researched the average % of paid-for substack subscriptions (in support of the creator) versus free subscriptions. Average was 5-10%, Good 10-15%, Excellent 15-20%. Now I know here is voluntary (i.e you get the same if you have elected for a supportive subscription or you haven’t) but I have this vast amount of content in film, image and word I intend to place in substack but I’m at less than 1% paid-for subscription ($8). I’m not entirely sure about this but I’m considering subscriptions having access to more, like so many others on substack. Thinking-Out-Loud. To be decided.
This Wednesday
30 minutes alive with the mystery of Nothing. On Zoom. Come for Nothing, Leave with Something. Wednesday 19 February at 12pm US Central. Register for free. Also a full immersive Day of Nothing on March 7th in England - 4 places remaining. And of course I never mean nothing nothing. I mean start with nothing, knowing full well that so often it is from this extraordinary point that everything may change.
This ink-not-yet-dry poem is gorgeous, Nic. Straight into not-knowing on a sail of love. Thank you. And these words brought a huge smile: "What if that who was an unnecessary idea." Really!
As for subscriptions on substack, it's as yet a bit of mystery for me. I wonder if there are other "product" models via substack that can generate more than a haiku number (thank you, Caroline Bobby for this expression!) But I am so new here. And so glad to read and follow you more often now, since our wonderful IV a few years ago.
I understand the need to make money, and the desire to have paid subscriptions. And the thinking that those who pay should get more content. But your content is all about human good, human understanding, and human consciousness. It is not written for just the humans who can afford to pay for a subscription, its for all humans. I feel blessed to have your words to lean on.