This ink-not-yet-dry poem is gorgeous, Nic. Straight into not-knowing on a sail of love. Thank you. And these words brought a huge smile: "What if that who was an unnecessary idea." Really!

As for subscriptions on substack, it's as yet a bit of mystery for me. I wonder if there are other "product" models via substack that can generate more than a haiku number (thank you, Caroline Bobby for this expression!) But I am so new here. And so glad to read and follow you more often now, since our wonderful IV a few years ago.

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I understand the need to make money, and the desire to have paid subscriptions. And the thinking that those who pay should get more content. But your content is all about human good, human understanding, and human consciousness. It is not written for just the humans who can afford to pay for a subscription, its for all humans. I feel blessed to have your words to lean on.

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it is a strange thing, I agree Nic, the Substack thing in general, and the subscription thing in particular. I moved my writing here from an utterly stuck in dinosaur site on Wordpress. It had become incomprehensible to me over the many years since my first website.

I have a haiku number of paid subscribers, and I never include the suggested invitation to become a paid subscriber when I post.

I have a haiku number of fellow Substack people I pay subscriptions to, you being one.

I would like a few more paid subs.

I also appreciate that if I upgraded to all the people my heart would like to, it would become a huge outgoing on a monthly basis.

What to do?

I just always publish what I offer, available to all to read and comment.

I recognise it is a little different for you as you have such a lot of backlog work on offer... but it still is, for me for now, not easy in either direction.

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