Consciousness Misunderstood
Consciousness has always sought to live itself through us, not be used by us
I imagine consciousness has always sought to live itself through us, not be used by us. This is a story of two starkly different rooms. It starts with me filming live on a stage. This is a 4 minute audio film on business consciousness. Or perhaps consciousness per se.
On Being Left With One of Two Choices
When one becomes aware one is left with one of two choices. To do something about it, or to not. The origin point of such awareness is not of one’s own mind, and therefore carries significant risk. The origin point of such awareness I imagine to be a universal one, that is in service of the greater good. In service of Us. One is not in control of what one becomes aware of. As such, one could have been heading North for an age, only to be made aware that now the direction to be traveled is its polar opposite - Due South. With unsettling consequence to the structures that house our lives.
Awareness without action is most probably worse than pointless. To not act can haunt a person, leaving an underlying uncomfortableness without end. It may even categorize a person as a bystander contributing to the end of the world (a poetic reference, or is it - listen below).
[ poem - Bystanders and the End of the World - words here ]
Awareness with action is quite possibly an original path to freedom though it may take more than an ounce of courage.
[ audio - On Becoming Aware ]
The Support of Here
You can. You could. Perhaps you should. It’s all free but it is not free to make. It never was. Your participation in the quiet revolution would be much appreciated.
What is consciousness... I know it is something we strive for each and every minute.... and evidently from the story you just told... it can be found when we are not actively looking. Nick this reminds me of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave". Are the people in the cave seeing reality or are the shadows on the wall reality.... thank you for the reminder of the essence of consciousness.
Thank you for sharing. It relates to my experience that being conscious is a practice of listening, of receiving. In my native language, Dutch we use 'bewust-zijn' something like aware-being of being aware. I like this word because it indicates that I am part of a greater 'being'.
Your insight also relates to; I have arrived, I am home.
I also have the feeling that the 'mental' formation 'to use something' is a mistake. it has a bias of the possibility to possess.
I will reflect on your suggestion to practice absence of the need to do something in this moment of time. maybe the need that pops up is a misunderstanding. Like some dew on your glasses. At this moment in time, I feel that this approach feels somewhat opposite to the suggestion in the poem 'bystanders'.
Thank you.