To Be Kinder | 2 Minutes
Michael lost his daughter to leukemia. Kelsey had been just 18 years old. These few minutes wonder if we might be a little more courageous, and connected. Whether we might be a little kinder, more gracious and present in the absence of tragedy.
The film comes from an extraordinary encounter on film, which cries out for a longer Soul Biography. Exactly the kind of project supporting this mission is set up for here, or via a voluntary subscription here on substack.
This short Soul Biography lives full time in the Collection here (where there is also a link to Kelsey’s legacy project).
I wrote the Black Mist on 20 January 2016. I still hold by the sense of these words.
The Black Mist
As the people railed against
the most obvious acts of
dark spoken violence,
they missed the black mist
that encircled the world.
A mist that lay as the cause.
Veiled and casting blame
on each dramatic symptom.
Eventually it would be
the kindness of people
that would compel
the mist to take its leave.
But not before the people
were drawn into the
righteous battle
for the high ground.
note - this short piece on my instagram points to how we might see over any divide. It is entitled Rumi’s field.
I have three brand new films lined up for this next month. And an in-person experience in England March 7 for those willing to sit in the nothing-ness of the Inner View camera.
Kindness truly is the only sensible response to the human condition. All else is delusional. Thank you Nic!
In these times, when we can choose to be anything, please can we all just be kind?!