This is a short 2 minute extract - I Just Happened to Be Here - from a longer 11 minute Soul Biography.
Meet Alison. At 93. Registered blind. Quietly spirited. Alive. Very alive. An important presence in the life of so many in need. And perhaps now, provocative to your own soul’s sense of longing.
I first met Alison whilst interviewing Holocaust Survivors in front of a large silent crowd of school children. You could have heard a pin drop.
Click link for In the Life of Another, the longer Soul Biography.
Either may change your day.
How to See the Human Soul | 2½ Hour Workshop | Sunday 8 December
Perhaps inspired by recent events but more probably by many years in observation of something we could all do well to realize - the seeing of each other beyond our conclusions. I imagine we may never solve our disconnectedness and its many consequences from the realm of ideas. Never.
I’ve formulated this in an experimental way that should make it highly accessible, and able to spread far and wide. We should all know what it is to see another beyond our ideas. We should all know how to see the human soul.
There came a point where realized that it’s an innate capacity. I can show you this.